For this reason, MBS files can be easily imported to Thunderbird from Opera Mail. This file is created in Opera Mail and it contains Opera email messages. MBS file is basically a variant of MBOX file. Opera Mail does not provide secured message signing.Thunderbird offers regular updates and add-ons.Data synchronization is a time-taking in Opera Mail.Technical support for Opera Mail is not available anymore.Opera Mail VS Thunderbird: Why People Choose Thunderbird over Opera Mail

To help the users stuck in such a situation, this blog will discuss the method to import Opera Mail to Thunderbird. Opera Mail data is saved in MBS file and users need to be aware of the process of importing MBS file to Thunderbird. But the problem appears when they have to open MBOX to Thunderbird. These lucrative features often attract users to migrate from Opera Mail to Thunderbird. The features can be extended with different available add-ons. It also offers facilities such as newsgroups, multiple POP/ IMAP accounts configuration, quick search and sort, data filtering, etc. Thunderbird is also a desktop-based email application that is available without any monetary cost. One common option for them is Mozilla Thunderbird. When the users face difficulties using the Opera Mail, they often look for alternatives to switch their email clients. Can someone suggest me the way to import opera mail to MBOX?”
Sadly, I have no idea about how to convert. I read in a forum that I have to export Opera MBS file into Mozilla Thunderbird. But as you can understand, I need to export Opera data too. Now I want to migrate from Opera Mail to Thunderbird.

User Query 2: “I have been using Opera Mail for a long time for both personal and official purpose. Can anyone suggest me a trusted solution to import Opera Mail to Thunderbird?” At the same time, I want to transfer my Opera emails into T-bird. Now that Opera has stopped providing any kind of technical support for Opera Mail, I am thinking of moving to Thunderbird. User Query 1: “After using Opera Mail for five years, I decided to stop using it.